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Finding Inspiration

Growth as an artist not only involves the practice of skills, exploring ideas, experimenting with techniques and materials but also researching other art and artists. I've been introduced to Jack Whitten by coincidence. If that name doesn't sound familiar then we have something in common. While looking for work online, his name came up in a search. An article popped up detailing an exhibit of his work and his impact on the art world. There is so much I do not know and after reading the article I knew I had to learn more about him. Unfortunately, he passed in January 2018 so reaching out to him personally was not an option. I spent at least a week or more searching for images of his work when a piece of gold was laid at my feet. His private studio logs had been published as a book! "Jack Whitten: Notes from the Woodshed" An excerpt had been published in an article online revealing some of Mr. Whitten experiences as an artist and African American artist in America. I ordered the book as quickly as I could. Reading his book is like having a personal conversation with him. He notes his experiments and failures with materials. It has made me awestruck to read his formulas for applying shapes and imagery and creating supports for canvases. It's been exciting reading his own words about how he works, why he works, exhibits he visited, etc. His passion is evident. Jack Whitten even writes about his struggles. He notes his lack of funds to create more work, his rejection by galleries, even the times he had to borrow money to create art. His logs span decades. Currently I'm still reading his notes from the 1970s. Reading his logs has influenced me to begin recording my own studio log. Maybe one day someone will be excited to read my ideas and process as much as I am excited about Jack Whitten's.

"Notes from the Woodshed" is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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